Miami Dade Jewish Community Study
The Miami-Dade Jewish Community Study serves a number of important functions. The data it yields will provide us with a dynamic understanding of how many Jewish families and individuals call Miami-Dade home and the areas in the County where they reside, who they are, and the programs, services and institutions with which they identify. The study will also help us learn about gaps in Jewish communal programming and services and barriers to affiliation and participation in our Jewish institutions. All Jewish organizations, synagogues and schools will receive both the final report and the detailed data generated by the study. It is our hope that this project raises the tide for every local Jewish institution in fostering Jewish identity and continuity for generations to come.
Starting in February, you may be contacted by letter, phone, or email with an invitation to participate in the survey. Invitation letters will have logos for NORC and Brandeis. Email messages will be sent from NORC at Miami-Dade Jewish Community Study at
[email protected] OR
Miami-Dade Speaks Community Study at [email protected]. Phone calls will come from NORC, phone number 312-871-4255.
The invitation you receive may be titled the “Miami-Dade Jewish Community Study” or the “Miami-Dade Speaks! Study.” These two studies are identical and you may respond to either invitation that you receive. Because this is a scientific survey with a defined sample frame, you may not receive one of these calls or emails; however, if you do, we encourage you to respond and participate in this important project.
If you have received an invitation to participate in the survey research associated with this study, any information you provide is completely confidential. Individual responses will not be shared outside of the research team at Brandeis and NORC, and you will not be asked to donate money during the survey or as a result of your participation.
For information about this study, you can call the Federation at 305-576-4000 or email
[email protected]