Dear Friends,

As my tenure as JCRC Chair comes to a close in June, I would like to say a few words.
Wearing the badge of Federation and advocating for our community has been my honor. Whether attending a meeting in Miami, Tallahassee or Washington, D.C., I have stood just a little bit taller, knowing that my job was to share the story of the Miami Jewish community's contributions and concerns. Advocating to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, to support the most vulnerable of our elderly, to fund our security initiatives and to raise awareness on human trafficking and gun violence has been a humbling experience. We have moved the needle on many issues through bipartisan support on a county, state and federal level. And we have worked tirelessly to strengthen relationships with our non-Jewish colleagues in common cause to fight hate and bigotry.

My era with the JCRC has also been framed within the larger era of polarization in politics, economics and social policy. It has become commonplace to vilify someone from the other party or from the other side of town. Therefore, our JCRC has actively sought to underline mutual respect for differing opinions by bringing in speakers such as Rabbi Melissa Weintraub of Resetting the Table and Robbie Gringras of Makom, two organizations that brought depth to the JCRC's efforts to give our community tools to have difficult conversations with respect. Frankly, we specialize in difficult conversations. Yet, these times have been especially crushing because of the rise of anti-Semitism and the assassination of Jews while they pray. Do not let anyone blame this on fellow Jews, of one party or the other, dangerously creating support of Israel and our Judaism as a wedge issue. This is exactly the time we pull together and not let others pull us apart. I ask that we not vilify our fellow Jews, that we respectfully disagree and find common ground to meet upon and together put one foot in front of the other for our community, for our safety and for our future. 

It has been my honor serving in this role and I look forward to continuing to advocate for our community. I wish Tracey Spiegelman, who will assume the role starting in July, fulfillment and success.
