Meditation Mondays

Studies have shown that practicing meditation and mindfulness helps to lower levels of stress and anxiety and contribute to overall well-being; something we could all use right now! While meditation and mindfulness have generally been associated with Buddhism (and certainly it’s deeply explored in that spiritual path), Judaism also has meditative and mindful elements. In these sessions, you will be introduced to the theory and practice of mindfulness and meditation. If nothing else, you will have the opportunity to just take a break and breathe a little. All are welcome to participate in this free class.

Rabbi Efrat Zarren-Zohar, executive director of the Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE) will lead the virtual class every Monday through May 18th from 11:00 am - Noon. 

To join the session, CLICK:
If you prefer to dial in by phone, CALL: 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 926 5607 4596

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