A Passover Primer for the Coronavirus Crisis
The Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE), a Federation subsidiary, is offering an online Passover mini-series exploring different holiday-related topics, Tuesdays, March 24, March 31 and April 7 at 2-3:30 pm. The classes are free and available to everyone.
March 24: Passover: The Big Picture
Presented by Dr. Sandra Lilienthal
March 31: This Year’s Seder Can Be “Virtually” the Most Creative & Exciting Ever!
Presented by Rabbi Ed Farber
April 7: Our Multi-Cultural Seder Customs
Presented by Rabbi Manny Viňas
To join the sessions, click: https://zoom.us/j/947644998
Or dial in by phone call: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 947644998