Resources For Engaging in the Conversation

Aspects of having an end-of-life conversation often include issues of physical health, cognitive competency and caregiving needs, psycho-social dimensions of well-being such as bucket lists and legacy projects and dimensions of estate planning and financial distribution of assets. Ideally, families should be involved in making funeral arrangements and specifying wishes for mourning rituals.

When people are approaching the last stage of their lives, they should be looking at how to approach various life transitions for themselves and their families. What are some of the considerations?

Conversation Guides to Help You Begin the Conversation

Estate Planning

Navigating Health Care and Physical Realities 

Pyscho-Social Considerations: Values You May Want to Communicate

Funerals, Chevre Kadisha and Jewish Morning Rituals 

JFNA Statement on Slain Hostages

JFNA Statement on Slain Hostages

The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) mourn and pray for the families of Itzik Elgarat, Tsahi Idan, Shlomo Mantzur and Ohad Yahalomi, all taken hostage from their safe rooms and homes in a horrifying manner by Hamas terrorists on October 7.

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Super Sunday and Good Deeds Day Were Super Great

Super Sunday and Good Deeds Day Were Super Great

More than 500 volunteers of all ages came together at the Greater Miami Jewish Federation last Sunday to raise vital dollars and join in meaningful mitzvah projects to support those in need.

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The Women’s Event With Chef Yaniv Cohen

The Women’s Event With Chef Yaniv Cohen

On Thursday, March 20, 10 a.m.-noon at Temple Israel, participants will experience on an interactive culinary journey exploring the origins and health benefits of spices with Chef Yaniv Cohen.

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#JewishMiamiProud at the Florida Capitol

#JewishMiamiProud at the Florida Capitol

Jewish Miami is taking over the Capitol March 25-26 with our fellow Florida Federations and the Israeli Consulate for an exciting 24 hours of pro-Israel programming.

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