About Mishkan Miami

Compassion. Care. Connection. These three values provide the foundation for Mishkan Miami. For thousands of Miami’s ill and elderly, our programs provide a sense of mishpacha (family) in times of great need. Our trained chaplains and rabbis visit hospitals, nursing homes, hospices and long-term care facilities to offer consolation and guidance to those in crisis. We also deliver prayer cards, books of reflection and other materials of support and inspiration. Mishkan Miami helps each person face their challenges with care, concern and love.

To arrange for a private discussion with a chaplain or to obtain additional information, please contact us at [email protected] or 786.866.8621.

If you require urgent assistance, please call Rabbi Frederick L. Klein at 305.562.1235. All inquiries are confidential.

YLD Masquerade Ball: A Soaring Success

YLD Masquerade Ball: A Soaring Success

The future of Jewish Miami is bright! A sold-out crowd of more than 500 guests packed the Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center for the Third Annual Masquerade Ball.

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Supporting Returning Hostages and Their Families

Supporting Returning Hostages and Their Families

As the freed hostages settle back into life at home and begin their long road to recovery, Federation is providing critical assistance to released individuals and their families through the Fund for Victims of Terror (FVOT).

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Federation Purchases Eight Defibrillators for Yerucham

Federation Purchases Eight Defibrillators for Yerucham

Federation has purchased eight public-access defibrillators for our partnership city of Yerucham, helping locals immediately respond to those experiencing a cardiac event.

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Helping Ukraine’s Jews During the War

Helping Ukraine’s Jews During the War

February 24 marked three years since Russia invaded Ukraine, and Federation is continuing our steadfast support of tens of thousands of Ukrainian Jews who are depending on our help.

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