Home / Advocate for Israel & Fight Antisemitism

Advocate for Israel

The battle for the safety of Israel and its citizens stretches far beyond its geographical boundaries. From college campuses across the nation to online forums, Jews are being attacked — physically and verbally — and lies are being spread. It is our job to set the record straight.

JCPA Action Alert: Support the Countering Antisemitism Act!  (In partnership with 61 national Jewish organizations – including JFNA)

Resources & Newsletters

A Wider Bridge - Take the pledge - Queers Against Antisemitism

The 10/7 Project | Remember 10/7 – Partnership between JFNA, AIPAC, AJC and ADL

Newsletter Signup - BICOM (British pro-Israel organization)

Universities United Against Terrorism

Words of Iron, Combat Propaganda and Boost Israel’s Voice on Social Media

Bring them home now : Israeli hostages taken by Hamas

JFNA Resources

JFNA Action Alert - Urge Congress to Support the Supplemental Aid Package for Israel 

JFNA Instagram Slides – “Above and Beyond”

JFNA Facebook slides on ICJ Ruling 

Blue Ribbons for Israel

Fight Disinformation Online, Jewish Federations of North America

Facebook slides on Hamas and Human Shields, Jewish Federations of North America

Instagram slides on Hamas and Human Shields, Jewish Federations of North America

IDF vs Hamas on minimizing civilian casualties

What is this War about?

Israel’s Success against Hamas Terrorists

Hamas’ Long History of Breaking Ceasefires

Marking 100 Days since Hostages were Kidnapped

Israel’s efforts to provide aid to Gaza

What is an Intifada?

Who is Yehiya Sinwar?

From the River to the Sea

What is Genocide?

AJC Resources

Confronting Campus Antisemitism: An Action Plan for University Students, American Jewish Committee

The Dangerous Rise of Antisemitism and Misinformation, American Jewish Committee

Suggestions for Speaking about Social Media with Your Students

How to Be An Advocate on Social Media Right Now: A Guide for the Community

K-12 Schools Must be Equipped to Fight Antisemitism

Confronting Antisemitism in Our Schools: An Action Plan for Public School Administrators 

Bring Them Home Now - Freeing The Hostages

The hostage story of Hersh Goldberg-Polin – and his mother’s moving advocacy on his behalf – has made the rounds on both traditional and social media. Help raise awareness by sharing Hersh’s story and the powerful words on his behalf by his mother, Rachel:

Hamas kidnapped my daughter. How much longer can she go on? | National Post

Former hostage Mia Regev: Remaining woman hostages need to be freed - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

'Fight for life' by mothers whose daughters are still hostages in Gaza - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

Rachel Goldberg and Jon Polin on Good Morning America

Rachel Goldberg at the March for Israel in Washington D.C.

Instagram: Survived To Tell shares Hersh Goldberg-Polin’s story

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