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What Were We Watching? Americans’ Responses to Nazism through Cinema, Radio, and Media

Stories about World War II and the persecution of Europe's Jews were a constant presence in American movie theaters and living rooms throughout the 1930–40s. Join us to learn how Hollywood and leaders in entertainment and government battled for the hearts and minds of Americans.

Register today for this important conversation, which will be held on December 10 in Miami.

Click here to register now.

Award-winning films such as Mrs. Miniver, The Great Dictator, and Casablanca shaped Americans’ understanding of the Nazi threat, while newsreels and radio programs offered a brief glimpse into world events and the range of opinions on the war effort. Join us at this program to hear from experts about how media shaped American responses to the Holocaust.

These programs are free and open to the public, but registration is required. For more information, please contact the Museum's Southeast Regional Office at 561.995.6773 or [email protected].


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