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In a Time of COVID-19, Combat Loneliness and Suffering Through the Mitzvah of Bikur Cholim (Visiting the Sick)

Join Us at the Renewing Bikur Cholim in the Time of Covid-19 North American Conference

The conference, which runs bi-weekly on Monday nights from January 4 to May 10 from 7-8:30 p.m., addresses many of the emerging challenges of doing Bikur Cholim, visiting and caring for the sick, during the pandemic. The program will provide an educational forum and a venue to exchange ideas and concerns, assisting providers and volunteers in offering this essential service.

The cost for the entire 10 sessions is $72 and there is a generous scholarship program. You can choose to attend as many sessions as you want.

To register, visit

If have any questions, please reach out to Rabbi Fred Klein at [email protected] or 305-562-1235.


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