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ISRAEL OUTDOORS PRESENTS: Kugel Your Way – Sweet or Savory! 03/16

TUESDAY, MARCH 16 @ 7pm ET / 4pm PT

COOKING | Kugel Your Way – Sweet or Savory!

Presented by Amy Atkins of Judaism Your Way

Kugel dates back some 800 years as a staple Jewish dish. Over the centuries, it has evolved in two separate directions – sweet kugel, often featuring cheese, raisins & noodles – and savory kugel, often featuring a potato base. From there, the regional variations have been endless. But why choose one? In just 60 minutes, our "Kugel Your Way" class will walk you through the basics of preparing a sweet noodle kugel and a savory potato kugel – with many possibilities for experimenting with your own kugel creation! Ingredient list provided if you're planning to cook along!



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