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ISRAEL OUTDOORS PRESENTS: Virtual Babka Cooking Class - January 17th

COOKING | Babka, Babka, Babka!

SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 @ 1pm ET / 10am PT

Babka. We all love it. Buttery, enriched bread filled with chocolate, cinnamon, or a myriad of other fillings. What if I told you, that you, yes you, are capable of making babka at home that is on par with the very best babka around? You can. And you will. Join my Babka for Beginners class. You’ll learn how to prepare the dough, we’ll make a filling and, most importantly, I’ll teach you how to shape the babka so it looks like it belongs on a fancy bakery’s shelf. Ingredient list provided if you're planning to cook along!

NOTE: This class is offered as a demonstration or a bake-a-long. If you plan to bake-a-long, you'll need to prepare the dough a day earlier so that it has time to rest in the fridge.

Presented by Harry Rubenstein



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