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The Last Chance Testimony Initiative

Testimony of Holocaust survivors is expanding and accelerating .The Last Chance Testimony Initiative, the race-against-time effort is to collect testimonies from the last living survivors and witnesses to the Holocaust.

The Last Chance Testimony Initiative was launched to enable Holocaust survivors——to give testimony while time and memory permit. The WPEC CBS 12 station in West Palm Beach, Florida will provide production space, equipment and staff to assist in recording new testimonies from those who we have not yet interviewed (as opposed to a second testimony from someone already in the Archive.) There are an estimated 50,000 remaining Holocaust survivors living in the United States. If a survivor would like to give their testimony, the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach can assist with this important project, conducted by the Shoah Foundation who will be in West Palm Beach for this project.

For more information, please call the Holocaust Memorial at 305 538-1663.


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