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Webinar: Brazil: The Oldest Jewish Community in the Americas

Sunday, March 30 | 1-2:30 PM

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One of the many untold stories about the Sefarad legacy is the fact that Portuguese Jews and New Christians played a pivotal role in the discovery of Brazil. They were among the very first settlers in the country, leaving a lasting legacy that continues to shape Brazil's rich cultural tapestry.

Today, Brazil is home to an estimated 90,000 to 120,000 Jews, but the influence of Jewish heritage extends far beyond this number. Over 50 million Brazilians are descendants of conversos—Jews who were forced to convert to Catholicism during the tumultuous times of Medieval Spain and Portugal. Their stories, struggles, and contributions are an integral part of Brazil’s identity.

To learn more about this extraordinary story, join us as we embark on a virtual journey delivered by a renowned historian, author, and speaker Irene Shaland as she uncovers 500 years of Jewish history woven into the very fabric of Brazil.



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