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Webinar: The US Constitution, Sephardic Jews and Religious Freedom

In the Shadow of the Inquisition | Sunday, June 30, 1 PM Online

Historic painting

This eye-opening event will bring attention to little-known facts regarding the contributions the descendants of the Jews of Sefarad. In 1791, the Bill of Rights – the first 10 Amendments – became part of the US Constitution. The First Amendment enshrined liberty of conscience. This was the culmination of centuries of struggle. Leading Jewish figures who knew the Founders had suffered the Inquisition or were children of those who had. In correspondence and debates, the Founders invoked the Inquisition and their letters, assuring Jews that religious liberty would stand in contrast with the Inquisition that lasted into the 19th century. Repugnance of the Inquisition, along with a Jewish presence, helped to enshrine religious freedom in the early republic.



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