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Heaven on Earth: A Virtual Tour of The Holy Temple

Two thousand years later, Jews still converge upon the Western Wall, the surviving remnant of the Holy Temple. Why does the Temple Mount still retain its hold upon our hearts? This summer, we invite you to look beyond the rubble and see the magnificent structure that once was. Join us for a three-week virtual tour of the Holy Temple, the home we shared with G-d. Throng with the crowds through the city gates; gaze up in awe as you cross the towering threshold. Discover the marvels of architecture and design that were integral to this sacred site. Guest Lecturer: Rabbi Shneur Oirechman from Tallahassee

Starts THIS Tuesday. For Men & Women. July 23 & 30, & Aug 6, 7:15-8:45pm

Chabad Chayil - 2601 NE 211 Terrace, Miami, FL 33180 For more info call (305) 770-1919 or visit


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