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BBYO Miami Hurricanes Rush Week

Hurricanes AZA #843 from BBYO or the Bnai Brith Youth Organization is hosting its annual Rush Week events. If you do not know, BBYO is a Jewish teen youth group where boys and girls form bonds through shared Jewish backgrounds and exciting experiences. The boy's chapter has our annual Rush Week with free events throughout the week of 5/15-5/22. These events include J-Serve or packing bags for the homeless, Ultimate Frisbee, Shabbat dinner, and more! Joining BBYO for your teens can be a great opportunity to continue their involvement within the Jewish community past their Bar Mitzvots. This is not only a way to continue Jewish learning, but also have fun with friends playing sports and meeting new people!

Here is the schedule

Burton Litman Miami Regional Moreh Hurricanes AZA #843 7865609770


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