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Retirees and Seniors: Listen up

Great Opportunity for Retirees! The Levi Yitzchok Senior Academy gives retired (or semi-retired) adults a unique opportunity to stimulate your mind, share thoughts, learn about your heritage and feel accomplished. You can even receive a monthly stipend for writing a short weekly essay. No travel necessary!

New semester begins Tuesday Dec 7th.

Want to be more productive? Make life more meaningful? Get extra money? Know more about your Jewish heritage? All without leaving your home? “This is an ideal program for those who are ambitious to advance their wisdom with Judaic courses that are both intellectual and inspirational. Everyone should have the opportunity to know their history and heritage,” says Rabbi Menachem Smith, the director.

The Senior Academy is now accepting applicants for its new semester. Choose between TWO daily classes: 10AM-11AM, with Talmud and Jewish inspiration; and 3PM-4PM, on a variety of Jewish topics. All classes are live on Zoom (accessible to everyone) – join from any device or regular telephone, even without internet access.

The Levi Yitzchok Senior Academy is a project of United Jewish Generations, a Chabad organization that provides many services for senior citizens. To apply, or for more information, call (954) 458-6000 or online at


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