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On JBS: Celebrating Shavuot; Torah Giants; Nightingale of Iran; Four Big Jewish Questions

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Celebrating Shavuot


4:00pm Four Big Jewish Questions (1): Pluralism

5:30pm L'Chayim: Genius of Midrash

6:00pm (Live) Shavuot Services: Central Synagogue Encore 10:00pm

7:30pm Shavuot Services: Hampton Synagogue Encore 11:30pm

8:30pm Jewish Insights: "Torah Giants" - NEW

9:30pm L'Chayim: David Hartman z"l


6:00am-9:00am Jewish Insights: "Torah Giants" - Marathon

9:00am Creating Art from Torah Texts

9:30am (Live) Shavuot Services: Central Synagogue Encore 1:00pm

11:00am Shavuot Services: Hampton Synagogue Encore 2:30pm

12:30pm L'Chayim: Genius of Midrash

4:00pm Four Big Jewish Questions (2): Love Your Enemy?

5:30pm Four Big Jewish Questions (3): Strife and Reconciliation

7:00pm Shavuot Cooking: Cheese Blintzes (Culinary Judaics Academy

7:30pm Shavuot Services: Hampton Synagogue Encore 11:30pm

8:30pm People of the Book: Rabbi Sacks z"l

9:00pm L'Chayim: David Hartman z"l & The Genius of Midrash

10:00pm Four Big Jewish Questions (4): God


6:00am Jewish Insights "Torah Giants"

7:00am Human Equality in Torah

8:00am L'Chayim: Ten Commandments

9:00am Jewish 101 for Shavuot Encore 1:00pm

10:30am Rabbi Telushkin: Torah Values

11:00am Shavuot Services: Hampton Encore 2:30pm

12:30pm People of the Book: Rabbi Sacks z"l

4:00pm-8:30pm Four Big Jewish Questions - Marathon

Fighting Antisemitism – The ISGAP Hour: Pedagogy

Lessons centered on how to teach about antisemitism and hate are offered by Devin Randolph, (Claflin University) and Katya Gibel Mevorach (Grinnell College)

Sunday - 7:00pm Monday - 2:00am, 7:00am & 1:00pm Tuesday - 5:00am Friday - 4:30am

Culinary Judaics Academy: Shavuot Cooking - Cheese Blintzes

CJA chefs Danny and Zoey make cheese blintzes with apple topping for Shavuot, wrapping their cooking lesson in the lessons of Torah and the harvest holiday that celebrates receiving the sacred tradition at Mt. Sinai.

Sunday - 10:00pm Monday - 1:00am, 3:30am & 8:30pm Tuesday - 7:30am & 11:30am Wednesday - 7:00pm

In the Spotlight with Abigail Pogrebin: Jewish Braille: Nightingale of Iran

Sisters Danielle and Galeet Dardashti join Abigail Pogrebin to discuss their documentary podcast series, The Nightingale of Iran, in which they reveal painful secrets and explore why their family left Iran in the 1960s at the height of national fame.

Monday - 8:00pm & 11:00pm Tuesday - 2:00am, 7:00am & 11:00am Friday - 4:30pm & 9:30pm Saturday - 7:00pm

Four Big Jewish Questions for This Moment

Lesson 1 - Is Pluralism Really A Jewish Value?

Leading New York Rabbis Joshua M. Davidson (Temple Emanu-El) and Chaim Steinmetz (Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun) explore the Jewish value of pluralism, with moderator Abigail Pogrebin in a program of the Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center.

Tuesday - 4:00pm Wednesday - 1:00am Thursday - 5:30pm Saturday - 10:00pm

Lesson 2 - Is it A Mitzvah To Love Your Enemy?

Rabba Yaffa Epstein (Jewish Education Project) and Rabbi Shai Held (Hadar Institute) grapple with the Jewish notion of loving your enemy, in this class from the Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center moderated by Abigail Pogrebin.

Wednesday - 4:00pm Thursday - 1:30am & 7:00pm Saturday - 11:30pm

Lesson 3 - Strife and Reconciliation: How the Joseph Story Informs Our Time

Rabbis Ammiel Hirsch (Stephen Wise Free Synagogue) and Sharon Kleinbaum (Beit Simchat Torah) look at themes of strife and reconciliation as seen through the Joseph story, in a Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center class moderated by Abigail Pogrebin.

Wednesday - 5:30pm Thursday - 3:00am Friday - 10:00am

Lesson 4 - Putting More God In Our Lives

Rabbis Ben Spratt (Rodeph Sholom) and Elliot Cosgrove (Park Avenue Synagogue) join Abigail Pogrebin to discuss the essential question of adding more God into daily life, in this class from the Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center.

Thursday - 4:00pm Friday - 1:00pm

Jewish Insights with Justin Pines: Book of Ruth with Yael Ziegler

(Torah Giants Part 5)###

Justin is joined by international Bible scholar Yael Ziegler, author of Ruth: From Alienation to Monarchy, to discuss why most Jewish communities read the book of Ruth on Shavuot, and explore the story’s meaning and relevance today.

Tuesday - 8:30pm Wednesday - 12:30am , 7:00am Thursday - 5:00am Friday - 9:00am & 8:30pm Saturday - 8:30am & 4:00pm

Listen to this and other episodes of Jewish Insights as a JBS podcast!

Defending Israel with David Harris

Longtime Jewish frontline activist and JBS strategic analyst David Harris is joined in conversation about the Hamas-triggered war with Israel.

Thursday - 8:30pm & 11:30pm Friday - 2:00am, 5:30am, 8:30am, 12:30pm & 10:00pm Saturday - 5:30pm


Shavuot Schedule

ILTV News and News Updates

ILTV reports from Israel followed by JBS Daily News with Teisha Bader

Monday at 6:00pm & Friday at 5:00pm

On L’Chayim: Classic Conversations with Mark S. Golub z”l, celebrating Tora and Jewish peoplehood##

Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments and the Jewish notion of miracles are discussed by educator and writer Sara Esther Crispe and Rabbi Jeffrey Segelman of the Westchester Jewish Center.

Monday - 9:00pm Tuesday - 12:00am, 3:00am & 3:00pm
Thursday - 8:00am Saturday - 6:00pm

Rabbi Norman Cohen - The Genius of Midrash

Using some of the Torah's most well-known stories, Norman J. Cohen, rabbi, professor of midrash, and former provost at HUC-JIR, illustrates the way in which Jews have read and understood the Bible through interpretative stories of the rabbis.

Tuesday - 5:30pm Wednesday - 3:30am & 12:30pm & 9:30pm

David Hartman z"l

Rabbi David Hartman z”l of the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem speaks on the giving and receiving of the Torah at Sinai and how the Jewish tradition rejects fundamentalism.

Tuesday - 9:30pm Wednesday - 3:00am & 9:00pm

Mike Burstyn - Azimuth

Star of stage, screen and Yiddish theater Mike Burstyn talks about his theatrical journey, his feelings for Israel, and his first feature film, ‘Azimuth,’ about an Israeli and Egyptian soldier after the 6-Day War.

Thursday - 9:00pm
Friday - 12:00am, 3:00am & 3:00pm


Dimensions of the Daf

Talmud Study with Rabbi Mordechai Becher

Not Taken Literally

Rabbi Becher looks at the Jewish tradition's insistence that not every passage in the Torah and Talmud is to be taken literally.

Sunday - 9:00am Monday - 4:30am Tuesday - 9:30am

Say Cheese

For the holiday of Shavuot, where cheese and dairy are customarily enjoyed, a discussion of the way the Talmud deals with milk and cheese as illustrative of Jewish values.

Sunday - 9:30am Monday - 4:00am Tuesday - 9:00am

Jewish 101

A pluralistic introduction to the teachings, ideas and values of the Jewish Tradition with Rabbi Mark S. Golub z"l

Torah Response

A look at various midrash and at Abraham Joshua Heschel's notion that the Torah is the Jewish People's “response” to revelation.

Monday - 9:00am Thursday - 9:40am Saturday - 1:00am

At Sinai

A fascinating look at how various rabbinic midrash answer the question: What Really Happened At Sinai?

Thursday - 9:00am & 1:00pm

Torah Poetry

Is the Torah "poetry" according to the Jewish Tradition? And what is the "essence" of Torah?

Thursday - 1:40pm



Closed Captioned

6:00pm, 11:30pm & 2:00am


With Hebrew, transliteration and English subtitles

7:30pm & 10:30pm



Closed Captioned

9:30am & 1:00pm


With Hebrew, transliteration and English subtitles

11:00am & 2:30pm

Vlada Barash, Special Projects Manager

JBS Jewish Broadcasting Service, a 501c3fulltime television channel




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