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On JBS: Lag B'Omer; Memorial Day; Saperstein & Troy-A Great Jewish Debate; Torah Giants

Watch JBS on Comcast X-1 Box Ch 1684, Atlantic Broadband 168, Hotwire Ch 269, DirecTV Ch 388, Blue Stream Ch 110, streamed on Roku under "educational", Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV and For a complete and timely schedule and other television providers, go to


A Great Jewish Debate: Jewish Values and American Politics

Rabbi Saperstein & Dr. Tevi Troy

With a momentous 2024 election approaching, two of American Jewry’s most prominent social policy thinkers, Rabbi David Saperstein and Dr. Tevi Troy, come together in the spirit of Eilu v’Eilu (principled disagreement) to debate the most contentious topics of our times and explore how to forge a Jewish path to bipartisan cooperation and tolerance. A program of the Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center in New York City.
Sunday - 7:30pm & 11:00pm Monday - 7:00am, 10:00am, 4:30pm Tuesday - 1:00pm Thursday - 7:30pm Saturday - 3:30am & 10:00pm

Remembering the Family Store

A nostalgic documentary featuring families and small businesses that contributed to the beloved community of Stamford, CT circa 1940-1965, from their peak years as the center of downtown business through the early years of urban redevelopment. Sunday - 9:00pm Monday - 2:00am Tuesday - 9:40am Wednesday - 4:00pm Thursday - 10:00am

In the Spotlight with Abigail Pogrebin

Dreyfus Affair (Maurice Samuels)

Abigail Pogrebin is joined by Maurice Samuels, author of a biography which analyzes Alfred Dreyfus’s complex relationship to Judaism and antisemitism and illustrates the profound effect of the Dreyfus Affair on the lives of Jews around the world. Monday - 8:00pm & 11:00pm Tuesday - 2:00am, 7:00am & 11:00am Wednesday - 5:00am Thursday - 2:00pm Friday - 4:00pm & 9:30pm Saturday - 7:00pm

Fighting Antisemitism – The ISGAP Hour

Freeman and Elman

Author Ben M. Freeman addresses the phenomenon of internalized anti-Jewishness in his talk on “The Impact of Jew-Hatred on Jews,” and professor Amy Elman (Kalamazoo College) lectures on “All American Antisemitism through Replacement Feminism.” Tuesday - 7:00pm Wednesday - 2:00am & 10:00am Thursday - 4:00pm Friday - 2:00am & 7:00am Friday - 2:00am

Jewish Insights with Justin Pines

Nehama Leibowitz and Studying the Torah with Smadar Rosensweig

(Torah Giants Part 3)###

Justin Pines is joined by Jewish educator and Tanakh lecturer Smadar Rosensweig (Stern College for Women at Yeshiva University), to explore the impact and legacy of one of the world’s most influential Torah scholars, a woman who shaped the trajectory of Torah study, Nehama Leibowitz. Tuesday - 8:00pm & 11:00pm Wednesday - 4:00am, 7:00am & 11:00am Thursday - 5:00am Friday - 9:00am, 2:00pm & 8:30pm Saturday - 8:30am & 4:00pm

Thinking Out Loud with Micah Halpern

Looking ahead to a safer and better Israel, Micah Halpern calls for a thorough investigation into October 7, and for the State Comptroller to hold accountable those responsible for the security failures. Wednesday - 6:30pm & 11:30pm Thursday - 2:30am, 8:30am & 12:30pm Saturday - 5:30am & 5:30pm

Defending Israel with David Harris

Longtime Jewish frontline activist and JBS Strategic Analyst David Harris discusses how the big lessons of the 1930s are incredibly relevant today. Wednesday - 7:00pm & 11:00pm Thursday - 2:00am, 7:00am, 11:30am & 5:00pm Friday - 5:00am, 4:30pm & 10:00pm Saturday - 7:30pm

Rabbi Hirsch##

Climate Change on American Campuses

Rabbi Hirsch reminds his congregation of the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue that the climate change on American campuses has been incremental, and that it is not too late to reverse the catastrophe. Wednesday - 7:30pm & 10:00pm Thursday - 1:00am, 7:30am & 2:30pm Friday - 5:30am & 11:00am Saturday - 1:30am

In The News

ICC Decision

Shahar Azani speaks with Arsen Ostrovky, human rights attorney and the CEO of the International Legal Forum, about the ICC's decision to seek the arrest of Israel’s leaders alongside the leaders of terror group Hamas. Thursday - 6:30pm & 10:00pm Friday - 1:00am, 8:30am & 12:30pm


ILTV News and Daily News Updates

ILTV reports from Israel followed by JBS Daily News with Teisha Bader Mondays-Thursdays at 6:00pm & Fridays at 5:00pm

Good Week Israel

Positive stories from Israel of heroism, unity and support Mondays at 6:30pm


ILTV reports and interviews Tuesdays at 6:30pm

On L’Chayim: Classic Conversations with Mark S. Golub z”l

The Second Sun

Filmmaker Jennifer Gelfer and actor John Buffalo Mailer discuss their feature film The Second Sun, the poignant story of a b'shert romance between a survivor and a lost soul in post-World War II New York City.
Sunday – 12 Noon
Tuesday - 9:00pm
Wednesday - 12:00am, 3:00am & 3:00pm Saturday - 6:00pm

Michael and Shannon Taylor

Holocaust survivor and war veteran Michael Taylor is joined by his son Shannon as he shares his remarkable story of escaping concentration camps, rescuing fellow Jews, sailing to Palestine and fighting in the Haganah in the Independence War. Monday - 9:00pm Tuesday - 12:00am, 3:00am & 3:00pm

Nobel Laureate Eric Kandel

Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist Eric Kandel, now 94 years old, spoke with Mark in 2019 about leaving Austria during World War II, his relationship with Vienna, and his life work studying the mind, memory and the brain. Wednesday - 9:00pm
Thursday - 12:00am, 3:00am & 3:00pm

Jay Goldberg

Criminal law attorney and US Constitutional scholar Jay Goldberg discusses his career as both prosecutor and defense attorney in some of the nation's most high-profile cases, as described in his autobiography The Courtroom is My Theater. Thursday - 9:00pm
Friday - 12:00am, 3:00am & 3:00pm


Dimensions of the Daf

Talmud Study with Rabbi Mordechai Becher

Marriage - Lag B'Omer

Rabbi Becher explores the notion of marriage in this episode he calls "Eight Blessings One Wedding," based on Talmud tractates Kesuvos 7 and 8. Sunday - 9:00am Monday - 4:00am Tuesday - 9:00am & 5:00pm

Jewish 101##

A pluralistic introduction to the teachings, ideas and values of the Jewish Tradition with Rabbi Mark S. Golub z"l

The Shabbat

Begin the study of the values and world view of the Jewish Tradition by exploring a fascinating wrinkle in the Ten Commandments. Monday - 9:00am

Creation Part 1

Explore the values of Torah through the rabbinic midrash (interpretation) to The Story of Creation (Genesis Chapter 1), and learn why the Jewish tradition does not read the story literally. Monday - 9:30am Thursday - 9:00am Saturday - 1:00am



Closed Captioned 6:00pm, 11:30pm & 2:00am


With Hebrew, transliteration and English subtitles 7:30pm & 10:30pm



Closed Captioned 9:30am & 1:00pm


With Hebrew, transliteration and English subtitles 11:00am & 2:30pm

Vlada Barash Special Projects Manager JBS Jewish Broadcasting Service, a 501c3fulltime television channel 201-334-2510 Website:


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