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Watch JBS on Atlantic Broadband Ch168, Hotwire Ch269, Fios Ch798, DirecTV Ch388, Blue Stream Ch 110, Roku under "educational" and streamed on from Nov 17 - 23 For a complete and timely schedule, go to

Reminder that selected programs of JBS are now on EL Al. If you or someone you know is flying El Al to and from Israel, please remember that select JBS programming is now available on El Al’s premiere In Flight Entertainment Package. This is a first for El Al and we are proud to be partnering with Israel’s national airline.

L’Chayim: Builder of Elon Moreh

A co-founder of the Israeli town of Elon Moreh, Zev Saffer, explains why he chose to leave the United States to make Aliyah, and describes how he helped to build a community and raise a family on Israel's West Ridge. With Mark S. Golub on L'Chayim. Wednesday - 9pm & Midnight; Thursday - 3pm

Eternal Antisemitism: Richard Landes

Prof. Richard Landes (Boston U.), who coined the word “Pallywood” to describe distortions of history to serve Palestinians, discusses the presence of antisemitism throughout the ages & the need for societies to vilify & harm Jews. A program of ISGAP. Monday – 7:30pm & 1:30am; Wednesday – 1:30pm; Saturday - 8pm & 4am

Martin Buber & Jewish Identity

Intellectual historian Dr. Paul Mendes-Flohr discusses the early life of Jewish philosopher Martin Buber and Buber’s relationship to Zionism & Jewish spirituality. With Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove by Reading Jewish Lives Series at Park Ave. Synagogue, NYC Tuesday - 8pm & 1:30am; Thursday - 2pm; Friday - 5am


Sunday: Joseph Telushkin

Rabbi, lecturer and best-selling author Joseph Telushkin discusses the Jewish Tradition through the lens of his book Words That Hurt, Words That Heal. Sunday – 6pm

Monday: Campus Hate

Dr. Charles Jacobs, President of Americans for Peace and Tolerance, discusses Avi Goldwasser’s documentary “Hate Spaces – The Politics of Intolerance on Campus” and the increasing bigotry and antisemitism in American universities.
Monday - 9pm & Midnight; Tuesday - 3pm

Tuesday: Regev & Wohlberg

Reform Rabbi Uri Regev, Pres. & CEO of Hiddush (which fights for religious pluralism in Israel) and Modern Orthodox Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg (Beth Tfiloh, Baltimore, MD) discuss the Orthodox Chief Rabbinate and Judaism in Israel. With Mark S. Golub. Tuesday - 9pm & Midnight; Wednesday - 3pm

Thursday: JFK & Israel

On the 56th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination (November 22, 1963), Prof. Jerome Chanes of the Center for Jewish Studies at CUNY's Gradate Center discusses the positive impact President Kennedy had on U.S.-Israeli relations. Thursday - 9pm & Midnight; Friday - 3pm

Saturday: Cantor Sol Zim

World renowned cantor, composer, and performer Sol Zim (Hollis Hills Bayside Jewish Center in Bayside, NY) discusses his life, career and his love of Jewish music. L’Chayim with Mark S. Golub. Saturday 6pm

92nd Street Y: Fauda (Issacharoff & Raz)

Avi Issacharoff and Lior Raz discuss their Israeli hit TV series “Fauda” which follows a commando unite operating on the West Bank and which airs in the United States on Netflix. With Tatiana Siegel (Hollywood Reporter) at the 92nd Street Y in NYC.
Tonight (Sunday) – 8pm & 2am; Monday – 10:00pm; Wednesday - 10:30am; Friday – 8pm & 1am; Saturday - 3pm

A Touch Away - Episode 3

Natalia accompanies her father to an interview as a guard in a parking lot. She sees him being humiliated. In Hebrew with English Subtitles. Sunday 7pm &1am (4pm and 10pm PT) Tuesday -10:30am; Wednesday - 5am; Thursday - 9am & 4:30pm

A Touch Away - Episode 4

Rochale' feels very bad about Itta's marriage, and she tries to make her parents and her uncle the Rabbi to interfere. In Hebrew with English Subtitles. Saturday – 7pm & 2:00am

From the Aleph-Bet: Lesson 4

Learn three new Hebrew letters: Aleph, Final Mem, and Lamed and a new Hebrew word Monday - 9am; Thursday – 2:30am; Saturday - 11am


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