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Interview Skills Zoom Workshop


JWorks Miami Workshop - Interviewing Skills: Thursday, January 21st

Journal Entry

JWorks Miami invites you to attend a FREE Zoom*Interviewing Skills Workshop* on

Thursday, January 21st, 10:30am-12:30pm

Please RSVP at JWorks Miami - RSVP is required!

The workshop will begin promptly at 10:30am, please arrive a few minutes prior and dress to impress, business casual is recommended.

Just landed the interview of your dreams? Awesome. Now, we're here to help you out and make sure you score that great job, too.

Before your next interview, brush up on interviewing basics, learn how to research a company and put together a strategic plan, and learn smart ways to handle any question or scenario thrown your way. We'll also show you how to follow up afterward (in a non-annoying way, of course).

Some topics we will cover:

* What to Wear!

* Frequently asked interview questions

* What not to say

* Researching the company

* Good questions to ask the interviewer

* Following up – Thank You notes

* Mock interview - time permitting**

These events are also a great way for JWorks Miami staff to get to know you! Please note, we are unable to refer you to available opportunities unless we have met you in person.

If you have any questions please visit our website or call us at 305-403-6554.

We look forward to seeing you!

The JWorks Miami Team

JWorks Miami is a partnership of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Jewish Community Services of South Florida

[email protected]

305-403-6554, option 1


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