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Protest Qatar Harboring Terrorists

January 7th 2024 will mark exactly four months since Hamas carried out their murderous rampage. Shalom International and Americans For a Safe Israel will be commemorating this tragedy by protesting against Qatar, which supports Hamas and the Houthis, urging a boycott of all things related to Qatar. There is an urgent need to expose Qatar's whitewashing its complicity in funding the perpetrators of the October 7th massacre by portraying itself as an honest broker between Hamas and Israel. Protestors will gather in the Amendment area, Upper Level of the Miami International Airport (MIA), across from Terminal E, on Sundays, 1/7/2024 and 1/28/2024 from 3 to 5 PM. They will hold banners and signs at passing cars ramp near Qatar Airways. The airline is wholly owned by the Qatari government, which supports and funds the terrorist organization Hamas. At two previous demonstrations, protesters received hundreds of supportive horn honks and thumbs up from passing drivers. Organizer Bob Kunst of Shalom International was interviewed by local TV stations. Demonstrators are united in their call for a boycott of the airline and demand that Qatar turn over Hamas leaders to face justice for war crimes. Hamas' top four political leaders known to be sheltering in Qatar have a net worth of over $11 billion. Much of their wealth was accumulated by diverting foreign aid to the black market, and taxing confiscated goods. Although declared as humanitarian aid, it has enabled Hamas to employ Gazans to build miles of terror tunnels, purchase guns, ammunition, rockets and other weapons, and pay salaries to terrorists. Qatar's sovereign wealth fund (QIA), whose assets include luxury hotels, prime real estate, automobile manufacturers and banks, has purchased stakes in NBA teams and sponsored Formula 1 races. Qatar has endowed American colleges and universities with $6.5 billion for questionable agendas and opened branches of several universities in Qatar.


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