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"The Beloved Community"

Temple Beth Tov Ahavat Shalom proudly presents Dr. Nathaniel Holmes, as Guest Speaker, on Friday, Jan. 19th, to honor the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial season. His presentation on the "Beloved Community" - an MLKJr. concept - will be given after Friday night services. Services as usual begin at 8:15pm, and conclude @ 9:15pm.

Dr. Holmes is well-credentialed, and is on staff at Florida Memorial College. To attend is a meaningful opportunity to honor the MLKJr. Memorial season, and to be inspired by a notable of our community.

Temple Beth Tov Ahavat Shalom is the cozy, Conservative synagogue at 6438 SW 8th St. West Miami 33144. The public is invited. There is no charge. Light refreshments will be served. For further information, please phone 305-205-3846.


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