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Senior Academy

If you are retired and would like to stay healthy, this is for you. Keeping the mind stimulated, socializing, voicing your opinions, and most importantly, studying about your Jewish heritage.

You can join our daily programs for free and stay healthy and truly enjoy your golden years. United Jewish Generations, an organization that concentrates on servicing the senior citizens, offers a daily afternoon class and discussion group on a variety of Judaic topics. 3PM Miami Time from Sunday thru Thursday you can join on ZOOM or by telephone and participate. Topics range from Book of Samuel, Torah insights by contemporary Jewish scholars, Jewish law, Chassidic philosophy, and guest speakers.

They also offer a morning Talmud class every day at 10AM on Zoom.

To join, sign up at after you apply, we will send you the zoom information or the phone info.

We are restarting on Sunday August 28th.


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