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Archaeology of Jerusalem on Zoom, July 25 & August 8

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There will be a Two-Part series of a Zoom Archaeological Seminar about excavations in Jerusalem and the City of David. It will even include audio-visuals of the excavations! The multimedia zoom presentation will take place on two Thursdays, July 25, and August 8 at 3 PM -4:15 PM.

The cost for this series is only $36 and there is an additional discount for retirees. Sign up for this mesmerizing archaeology seminar at or call (954) 458-6000.


Rabbi Avrohom Stolik, the presenter, has received wide acclaim as a biblical archaeological scholar. In the presentation, he will share his extensive knowledge of Jewish & secular history, Torah & Talmud, as well as his passion for biblical archaeology. He has created a unique presentation that includes imagery, diagrams, and videos that can benefit anyone and everyone, whether he or she has been to Israel before or has any background in history or archaeology.

The Retiree Academy is a project of United Jewish Generations, a Chabad organization that services the needs of retirees and seniors. They run numerous cultural events and educational programs throughout the year including Klezmer concerts, holiday events, mind-stimulating classes in subjects such as: Talmud, Books of the Prophets, Code of Jewish Law, Chassidic Philosophy and Mysticism, and much more. They just started offering a Conversational Yiddish Seminar as well. Visit or call (954) 458-6000 for more info about their programs.


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