Our Signature Programs

At Everything but the Turkey, our pre-Thanksgiving volunteer program, participants put on their chef hats and slice, dice, mix and chop ingredients for the accompaniments of the holiday meal. Jewish families in need and local homeless shelters receive more than 1,800 servings of food as a result of this program.

Season of Giving is an annual tradition during the December holiday season. With projects throughout Miami-Dade, there is one to fit your needs. Projects range from beautifying our community to visiting the sick and feeding the homeless.

Since 2005, J-Serve has porvided teens with a unique opportunity to band together through service. Students fulfill the Jewish values of gemilut chasidim (acts of loving kindness), tzedakah (just and charitable giving), and tikkun olam (responsibilty to repair the world). Every year, Jewish teens worldwide join each other to make their community and the world a better place.

Good Deeds Day is an annual celebration of good deeds. All over the world, hundreds of thousands choose to volunteer and help others, putting into practice the simple idea that every single person can do something good, be it large or small, to positively change the world. JVC plans and organizes volunteer opportunities for the community to participate in on this day.

Miami Students Visit Yerucham

Miami Students Visit Yerucham

During their recent ninth-grade trip to Israel, students from the Federation-funded Scheck Hillel Community School enjoyed a day of sports education, play and interaction in Yerucham.

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Be Jewish Miami Proud Forever

Be Jewish Miami Proud Forever

Are you Jewish Miami Proud? You can have an impact on our community forever by making a legacy gift through The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation.

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Federation Funds Rehabilitative Care in Israel

Federation Funds Rehabilitative Care in Israel

To address the current shortage of outpatient rehabilitative facilities, our Federation has partnered with the Israeli Ministry of Health, Jewish federations in Chicago, LA and Houston, as well the national IEF to open 20 new outpatient centers in underserved areas through a collective investment of $2.8 million.

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No One Should Grieve Alone

No One Should Grieve Alone

Come together on Thursday, April 3 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus for an encouraging and compelling gathering that will help you find hope and healing after loss.

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