Feb 5, 2025
Federation Allocates Additional Israel Emergency Funds

Federation recently allocated nearly $370,000 to nine diverse Israeli nonprofits from the $30 million Israel Emergency Fund (IEF) raised in Miami. The Vertigo Dance Company will utilize the emergency grant for therapeutic workshops for IDF reservists and their families at its Resilience Farm, an “eco-art” village connecting art, dance and environmental awareness to spiritual growth and social change. Other IEF recipients include Livnot U’Lehibanot, supporting volunteer efforts to rebuild homes; Tzohar, offering spiritual care for the bereaved; Ohr Torah Stone, providing teachers with trauma training; Leket, supplying food for 3,000 vulnerable Israelis and the Israel Trauma Coalition, training therapists to assist families coping with disabilities and trauma. Click here for the full list of IEF allocations.