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Jan 3, 2023

Federation Funds Allocated for Food Insecurity in Israel

Federation is allocating $100,000 for programs that address nutritional support and food insufficiency in Israel. These programs include Leket Israel, the country’s largest food bank and food rescue network, which redirects surplus produce and meals to a network of 260 nonprofits serving more than 175,000 needy Israelis. In addition, the Jaffa Institute, receives Federation funding to help support bimonthly food parcel deliveries to 300 senior adults suffering food insufficiency, more than half of whom are Holocaust Survivors. Funds are also being distributed to Chamah, which provides a nutritious breakfast at the Mofet Elementary School in Jerusalem for students living at the poverty level; to Or Akiva Meir Panim to supply program participants from Or Akiva and the surrounding region with 800 cooked meals a day; and to Keren Tzedaka Yeshivat Hesder Yerucham, which distributes food packages at Rosh Hashanah, Purim and Passover to 350 families in need in Federation's partner city of Yerucham. Click here to support these programs and more through the Annual Greater Miami Jewish Federation/UJA Campaign.

FIU and UM are ADL “A” Schools

FIU and UM are ADL “A” Schools

Mazal Tov to two Miami-Dade County Universities — Florida International University and University of Miami — which are among the select group of eight colleges to have received top marks in ADL’s recently released Campus Climate Report.

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Local Survivors Honored in Art Exhibit

Local Survivors Honored in Art Exhibit

A group of local Holocaust Survivors were recently featured on CBS Sunday Morning as part of a segment spotlighting the work of Gillian Laub, a photographer who is preserving the memory of the Shoah — one photo at a time.

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Israel and Miami Jewish Nonprofits Working Together

Israel and Miami Jewish Nonprofits Working Together

Nineteen top executives from organizations that educate and empower Israeli youth visited Miami recently, learning about Federation’s work with children and teens, visiting local sites and exploring ways to partner in the future.

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Apply for a College Scholarship

Apply for a College Scholarship

Attention, college and graduate students! The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation wants to help fund your education through the Sylvia Tuman Scholarship Program.

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