Mar 28, 2023
Federation is Helping Israeli Women Change the Face of Politics in Israel

Women’s Amutot Initiative recipient WePower is training women in Israel to increase the number of women in politics. Funded by the Annual Greater Miami Jewish Federation/UJA Campaign, the Women’s Amutot Initiative allocates grants to Israeli organizations that empower women to effect change in Israeli society through social, economic, religious and political equality. WePower, an Israeli non-profit, non-partisan NGO helping women advance in government, politics and business, received a 2023 grant of $25,000. Among the efforts it supports is leadership training for local women activists. Osnat Yehezkel Lahat participated in WePower’s Municipal Leadership for Women with Disabilities program as a facilitator. The program taught her how women can work together to make a difference in the political arena. “As a woman with a disability, [I] want to learn [about the] possibility of running for local politics," she said. “If before I believed we should be there, today I am certain we should be ... to change the way things are done in the places we live.” Click here to read more about this year’s Women’s Amutot Initiative grant recipients.