Who We Are

Staff Rabbis

Rabbi Frederick “Fred” L. Klein, MPhil, B.C.C.is Director of Mishkan Miami: The Jewish Connection for Spiritual Support, a program of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and serves as Executive Vice President of the interdenominational Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami. In this capacity, he overseas Jewish pastoral care support for Miami’s Jewish Community, trains volunteers in friendly visiting and bikkur cholim (visiting those ill), consults with area synagogues in creating caring communities, organizes conferences on spirituality, illness and aging and provides local spiritual leadership with a voice in communal affairs. Rabbi Klein also is engaged in teaching Torahto Jews of all backgrounds. He serves as the in-house rabbi for the Greater Miami Jewish Federation.

Rabbi Klein is a Miami native and graduated magna cum laudefrom Brown University, where he received a degree in religious studies. He studied in Israel under Rabbis Shlomo Riskin and Chaim Brovender. While in rabbinical school at Yeshiva University, he received an MA in bible at Revel and later earned an MPhil in Jewish history from Columbia University. During rabbinical school, Rabbi Klein was awarded the Wexner Graduate Fellowship, and has received numerous awards for his work with aging populations and community involvement. He received Board Certification from Neshama: The Association of Jewish Chaplains and has done clinical rotations at New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens, NY, Jackson Memorial Hospital and VITAS hospice.

Rabbi Klein has taught at and been involved with the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, Drisha Institute for Jewish Education, Hebrew College of Boston, the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School, CLAL - The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership and the Shalom Hartman Institute. He is Vice President for the Rabbinic Cabinet of the Jewish Federations of North America, former Chair of the Interfaith Clergy Dialogue of the Miami Coalition of Christians and Jews and former board member of Neshama: The Association of Jewish Chaplains. His biggest pride and blessing is his four children, Moshe, Sara Shulamit, Binyamin and Aryeh.

Rabbi Cheryl Weiner, Ph.D., B.C.C., serves as a Community Rabbi and Staff Chaplain for Mishkan Miami, the Spiritual Connection for the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. She is the Director of the Sacred Jewish Conversation Project. She also trains lay leaders in bikur cholim, visiting those in need and conducts Jewish bereavement programs and healing services. As a Chaplain for Season’s Hospice, Broward, Florida, she designs and oversees interfaith bereavement workshops and memorial services. Ordained in 2007 from the Academy for Jewish Religion, California, she is on the Board of Trustees for the Jewish Publication Society and is a former Executive Board Member of the Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami and Neshama: The Association of Jewish Chaplains. Rabbi Weiner has developed and taught courses that explore the future of Jewish engagement. She is currently on the adult learning faculty of NOVA Southeastern University and is an award-winning adult educator for LIMMUD, CAJE, synagogues and JCCs.

Rabbi Moshe Tom Heynis website contributor and Co-Director Emeritus of the Scared Jewish Conversation Project. He is a rabbi, musician, pastoral care professional and spiritual activist who practices and teaches a synthesis of humanism and mysticism. Since his ordination from HUC-JIR in 1999, he has served in several congregations, including Temple Israel of Greater Miami (2012-2018). Most of his time, however, has been spent counseling people in their twilight years and final days, and gaining the trust of their families. He currently works as a hospice chaplain for VITAS Healthcare. Over the years, Rabbi Tom has met and been influenced by teachers as diverse and renowned as the Dalai Lama and the Lubavitcher Rebbe. He spent a decade studying and practicing Eastern spiritual teachings in the San Francisco Bay Area, followed by two more decades studying and practicing Jewish spiritual teachings under the supervision of rabbis and scholars, including Professor Moshe Idel, Rabbi Arthur Green and Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi.Rabbi Heyn has gleaned much wisdom from his encounters with remarkable people, mostly about living and dying.

Jewish Federations Respond to the Hostage Release and Ceasefire Agreement

Jewish Federations Respond to the Hostage Release and Ceasefire Agreement

On Wednesday, January 15, the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) released a statement regarding the news of a hostage release and ceasefire agreement. Read the complete JFNA statement here.

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Plan to Attend YLD’s Annual Masquerade Ball

Plan to Attend YLD’s Annual Masquerade Ball

Chaired by Isaac and Eliana Mizrahi, the Saturday March 1 event will bring together Jewish Miami’s next gen leaders.

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Championing Marginalized Women in Israel

Championing Marginalized Women in Israel

This year’s Women’s Amutot Initiative grant recipients received more than $350,000, reflecting Federation’s unwavering commitment to champion marginalized female populations across Israel.

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Miami-Yerucham Partnership Grants

Miami-Yerucham Partnership Grants

Do you have an idea for a meaningful Miami-Yerucham Partnership project that will bring members of the two communities together? Proposals are now being accepted for the 2025-2026 grant year.

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