Packing List for a Mission to Israel

Please note: The information provided here pertains only to Missions to Israel. If your travel plans with the Greater Miami Jewish Federation include visits to locations outside of Israel, you will be provided with additional tips from our Missions Coordinator. For more information, contact us at [email protected] or 786.866.8436.

Download a Suggested Packing List.

Basic Tips

Dress in Israel is generally informal. We suggest that you bring comfortable, easily laundered clothing, such as a pair of slacks and/or khakis. Women should bring a skirt for Shabbat. A sports jacket is optional for the men. Comfortable walking shoes, sweater or light jacket are needed, as Jerusalem can get chilly at night. Expensive jewelry, electronics and other valuables should be kept to a minimum. If you bring any of these items, please pack them, your passport and a sufficient supply of any prescription medications in your carry-on luggage. Once in Israel, we suggest placing your valuables in the hotel safe and carrying your passport, camera and cash/credit cards with you at all times. Also, please consult your airline carrier’s website for updated restrictions on liquids permitted in carry-on luggage.


To be carried with you (in carry-on or purse)

Driver's license
Credit card
Travelers checks
Personal checks

Note: Photocopy the inside photo/signature page of your passport, which includes your passport number. Keep it in your suitcase.

Medicines and other medical supplies should be carefully labeled and stored with your carry-on luggage. It is suggested that you bring a second pair of prescription eyeglasses/contact lenses. Bring all prescriptions with you in case you need a refill for any reason.


Anticipate your needs. Some items are much more costly abroad.

Adhesive bandages
Aspirin/Headache- and pain-relievers
Sanitary needs
Suntan lotion
Diarrhea medication and antacids
Eye drops
Motion sickness medication
Cold capsules
First-aid cream
Extra pair eyeglasses/Contact lenses

Note: All medications should be kept in a carry-on bag. Do not check through with other luggage.

Basic Travel Wardrobe

Walking shoes/Sneakers
Skirt/Dress for Shabbat
Hat for sun (NECESSITY)
Travel umbrella
Sports jacket
Parka/Blazer/Light jacket
Sweater/Sweat pants
Jewelry (bring very little)
Folding rain poncho
Head covering (for religious sites: scarf for women, kipah for men)

Note: Layered clothing is recommended for comfort.

Small Carry-on Bag for Each Person

No tweezers or sharp instruments.

Nosh/Gum/Hard candy
One change of clothing
Reading material
Small water bottle

Please check with airline regulations regarding carry-ons prior to flight.


Pre-moistened towelettes
Talcum powder
Toothbrush/Toothpaste/Dental floss
Cotton swabs


Clothes-washing liquid
Sewing kit
Safety pins
220 Electrical converter (as needed)
Camera/Film or memory card/Batteries
Folding bag or nylon duffel bag (for overnight stay or to use for additional gifts and purchases)

Note: Film and batteries abroad are usually expensive. Bring plenty!

For Friends, Family & Hosts

Easy-to-carry gifts (do not wrap—customs will unwrap)
Souvenir from Miami (i.e., mugs, key chains)
Paper goods – guest towels, napkins
Stickers or small toys
Picture frames

Note: Last-minute shopping can be done at airport duty-free shops.

JFNA Statement on Slain Hostages

JFNA Statement on Slain Hostages

The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) mourn and pray for the families of Itzik Elgarat, Tsahi Idan, Shlomo Mantzur and Ohad Yahalomi, all taken hostage from their safe rooms and homes in a horrifying manner by Hamas terrorists on October 7.

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Super Sunday and Good Deeds Day Were Super Great

Super Sunday and Good Deeds Day Were Super Great

More than 500 volunteers of all ages came together at the Greater Miami Jewish Federation last Sunday to raise vital dollars and join in meaningful mitzvah projects to support those in need.

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The Women’s Event With Chef Yaniv Cohen

The Women’s Event With Chef Yaniv Cohen

On Thursday, March 20, 10 a.m.-noon at Temple Israel, participants will experience on an interactive culinary journey exploring the origins and health benefits of spices with Chef Yaniv Cohen.

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#JewishMiamiProud at the Florida Capitol

#JewishMiamiProud at the Florida Capitol

Jewish Miami is taking over the Capitol March 25-26 with our fellow Florida Federations and the Israeli Consulate for an exciting 24 hours of pro-Israel programming.

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