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Women Making Change

Our network of women are at every stage of life, united by shared values and a desire to improve the Jewish world locally and abroad. From fundraising to hands-on volunteer projects to missions to events and educational programs, Federation’s Women’s Philanthropy engages women in the fulfilling work of tikkun olam (repairing the world). Explore some of our Women’s Philanthropy projects and learn how you can make a difference.

  • Women’s Impact Initiative
    Each year, Federation awards grants to local organizations that inspire and empower Jewish women and girls through programs that focus on social, economic, religious and political equality. Our past recipients include initiatives that promote breast cancer awareness, address sexual assaults on local college campuses, encourage civic engagement and foster positive self-images among elementary-aged girls. Read more

    Click here for more information about how to apply for a grant.

    Click here to see our 2017-2018 grant recipients.
  • Human Trafficking

    Become involved in key issues facing women and the world today. Women’s Philanthropy works with Federation’s Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) to educate the public about human trafficking in our community and beyond. Through our annual Freedom Seder, civic and interfaith organizations come together to raise awareness and discuss ways to help those being exploited and abused.

  • Civil Rights and Social Action

    You can join women with a shared interest in history and Civil Rights. Women's Philanthropy has led activities such as a tour through Miami’s Historic Overtown neighborhood, voter registration events and even a Civil Rights Mission Through a Jewish Lens, which included a visit to Selma, Montgomery, Birmingham and Atlanta. Our initiatives continue with programs that build intergroup and interfaith bridges.

  • Shalom Bayit

    More than 10 years ago, Women’s Philanthropy developed Shalom Bayit (Peace in the Home) to support survivors of domestic abuse. Now run by Federation’s beneficiary agency, Jewish Community Services of South Florida, women receive financial help, food, clothing, counseling, job-placement assistance and legal aid. Last year, the program opened a new safe house to shelter survivors of domestic abuse and their children.

Meet Scott

Meet Scott

“Jewish community is the ultimate team sport,” said Scott Kaufman, Interim President and CEO of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, “and nobody has a better team than Jewish Miami!”

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Israeli Division Mini Mission

Israeli Division Mini Mission

Earlier this month, Federation’s Israeli Division hosted the fourth annual Israeli Mini Mission, crisscrossing the country to bear witness to the horrific atrocities of October 7 and see firsthand how Federation donations are helping rebuild Israeli lives and their communities.

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Base Miami Relaunches

Base Miami Relaunches

In this challenging time, engaging young Jews in a pluralistic, hospitable home of Jewish learning, culture and connection is more critical than ever. Helping in that effort are Rabbi Dvir and Shalhevet Cahana, the newly arrived resident Rabbinic couple of Federation-funded Base Miami.

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JFNA Helps Fund 16 New Mental Health Facilities

JFNA Helps Fund 16 New Mental Health Facilities

Jewish Federations are contributing approximately $7 million in a partnership with Israel’s Ministry of Health to create 16 community-based mental health centers, which will provide much-needed services to 200,000 Israelis each year.

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