Miami Teens to Participate in J-Serve, an International Day of Service
Posted on 04/10/2013 @ 07:10 AM

Join teens from around Miami-Dade County for Mitzvah Miami on Sunday, April 28, as they partner with J-Serve, an international day of service for Jewish teens.
Mitzvah Miami, a project of the Jewish Volunteer Center of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation will bring together around 300 teens to help beautify Morningside Elementary School, located at 6620 NE 5th Avenue. Volunteers will help with a landscaping project, paint murals, restore a Friendship Circle, build planter and compost boxes and host an Earth Day/Lag B'omer Fair for students and families at the school.
The school beautification project is in partnership with J-Serve, the official day of Jewish Youth Service. On this day, more than 10,000 Jewish teenagers from all over the world participate will participate in projects in the spirit of Tikkun Olam—making the world a better place. For more information on J-Serve, visit
Mitzvah Miami will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. A kosher lunch will be served and community service hours are available. This program is sponsored by Bubbie's and Holy Bagels (as of April 10, 2013).
For more information or to register, CLICK HERE or call Laura Guren Rodriguez, Director of the Jewish Volunteer Center at 786.866.8680 or email [email protected].

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