Second Annual J-Serve

By Lori on 02/17/2011 @ 12:56 PM

Rabbi Eliezer said, ”Other people’s dignity should be as precious to you as your own.“

Have you ever thought about how a smile can change your day, preserve someone’s dignity or just make another person feel good? Last Sunday, as I walked through Lincoln Road with over 60 teenagers who were encouraging others to smile, I witnessed first hand how positivity can change someone’s day. This year, as part of J-Serve and Good Deeds Day, the Jewish Volunteer Center partnered with the City of Miami Beach to promote Project SMILE, a small program aimed to make big changes.

As I walked through the open mall, I heard loud singing. The more I walked, the louder it got until I reached a group of 10 girls surrounded by a crowd of people. Together, they were all singing “Lean on Me” and spreading happiness and cheer. Some people may have been wondering what the commotion was about, I am proud to say it was teenagers performing a mitzvah.

The teenagers also participated in a mural painting at a Jewish day school, packing Passover care packages for those in need, feeding the homeless and visiting the patients in nursing homes and hospitals.

At the end of the day, we had an opportunity to talk about the statement above from Rabbi Eliezer. Many of the teens felt that by participating in their project, they helped preserve or strengthen other people’s dignity. The teenagers felt good, that they at their young age they could be change agents and models for other teens in Miami to take action.


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