JSTAR – Jewish Students Taking an Active Role
By Lori on 09/12/2011 @ 01:56 PM

In honor of September 11, which is a National Day of Service, the JVC held a meeting of teens interested in service. This group of teens will now be known as JSTAR – Jewish Students Taking an Active Role. As I looked around a packed house of 35 teens and their mothers, I was in awe.
On such a solemn day, our community came together in the spirit of service. What a remarkable way to remember the tragedy America faced 10 years ago. These teens will be participating in monthly service projects ranging from visiting the JCS Kosher food bank to visiting sick children at the Ronald McDonald House. From September to March, they will spend their time giving back to our community in collective hands on way. They will learn the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and together will help shape the next generation of the Jewish people.
I am really proud of all the work our JSTAR Chair, Jamie Rubenstein, put into this project and all of the families who support the efforts of teaching children the importance of service. I am looking forward to an amazing year of youth and teen service.
If you live in South Dade and would like more information on how to join this group, please contact the JVC at 786.866.8414 or [email protected].
All the best,
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