Summer with the JVC

By Lori on 07/08/2011 @ 01:56 PM

The summer is here and the JVC has been partnering with summer camp programs providing fun mitzvah projects that give back to our community! Yesterday at the Alper JCC camp, we made 50 hurricane kits which will be given out at Federation Gardens later this month! Next week, the CIT’s at the Alper JCC will be making 200 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the homeless. In addition to these hands-on projects, they will also be playing games with seniors, creating a recycling project for the whole camp and helping our world become a better place.

The JVC has seen many teens volunteering this summer. Teens around the county are volunteering in Jewish organizations and at local programs which help our community as a whole. One teen is setting up a gleaning project at neighborhood homes. With mangos and avocados ripe and ready to eat, the extra fruit will be collected and donated to the JCS Kosher Food Bank. How will you make your summer more meaningful? If you want to find a volunteer project that makes you feel good and helps our community, give us a call! We are here to find the perfect project for you.

In the spirit of summer service,


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