The Definition of a Mission

By Katy Boyask on 02/20/2011 @ 12:56 PM

Out of the 18 definitions on to describe the word “mission,” the last three resonate with me the most:

16. an assigned or self-imposed duty or task; calling; vocation
17. a sending or being sent for some duty or purpose
18. those sent

For me, Definition 16 became stronger when I began my new role as Mega Mission Manager for the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. While working for Federation, a clear path was emerging. Whenever asked, “What do you love about your job?” I have always responded, “Taking people to Israel.” A recent Peace Corps advertisement that questioned, “What’s your calling?” moved me, as I knew I had found mine in the Jewish community. The Mega Mission – Israel 2012 is a collective calling for us all. This is our time to reconnect, be inspired and explore what it means to be Jewish today.

Definition 17 is an area that the Federation continually invests in. Sending people to Israel is part of our duty and serves a purpose. Federation missions provide access to people, places and events. Visits to our partnership cities — Or Akiva, Pardes Channa-Karkur, Yerucham — and other programs we fund are unforgettable and remind us why, even during the hardest economic times, the Miami Jewish community has stood by Israel with philanthropy and advocacy. On the Mega Mission, our representation of 800 participants will be a statement of leadership and compassion that will not go unnoticed.

Each of our 18 buses will take their own special path, create their own stories and then join together like a “flash mob” for five spectacular Mega Events. This brings me to Definition 18. “Those sent” have a strengthened connection to Jewish community in Israel and in Miami, to the Federation and to our partnership synagogues and agencies. Many of our participants can’t wait to return and take their friends, neighbors and congregations with them.

A mission touches your soul in a series of meaningful moments, a mixture of the holy and the high-tech. Past participants have thanked us afterwards for convincing them to go. Friends for life, marriages, babies, and people falling in love in Israel and with Israel are common occurrences from a mission experience. In fact, we just had an engagement announcement from a Miami couple who met on a mission this past summer.

I would like to suggest a 19th definition. A mission is “a toast to life”, l’chaim!



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