Missions: Meaningful, Memorable, Magical!

By Karen on 12/07/2010 @ 12:56 PM

Welcome to my blog about missions to Israel and other parts of the world where there are active Jewish communities.

I hope that the stories, information, links, photos and message board dialogues will answer your questions about and give you a better understand of missions, travel, Israel and other destinations.

In this blog, I plan to talk about what a mission is, how to prepare to go on one and what you can expect when you participate on a mission. There will be entries about upcoming, current and past missions that will include information about places on the itinerary and speakers and guests who have met with our groups. I will include links to useful and interesting information and answer direct questions that are sent in from readers.

I encourage you to contact me at any time with a question about anything having to do with missions and travel to Israel. If I do not answer the question in my blog, I will reply to your email with a personal answer. Please also feel free to request to be a guest blogger on the subject of Jewish travel. You can reach me at [email protected]. When the feature is available, I will post information on how you can comment directly on the blog. Your feedback will always be greatly appreciated. I look forward to talking about missions to Israel with you!



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