What you probably don’t know about the Miami Mega Mission 2012

By Karen on 04/05/2011 @ 01:56 PM

By now you may already know that the Greater Miami Jewish Federation is taking 800 Miami residents to Israel on April 22, 2012.

You may already be aware of the fact that many of our community synagogues and Jewish agencies are partnering with us to help make this a complete community experience.

But what you probably don’t know is that even though you will be together in Israel with 800 of your friends, neighbors and community members, you will not feel crowded. You will travel alone with your bus while each of the other buses goes on a different track. Then you will come together with the rest of your community at mega events. A personal journey and a community experience at the same time!

You might already know that the first 400 people to sign up to travel with the group both ways will fly non-stop from Miami to Israel on an El Al charter flight.

It’s likely that you’ve already heard that the Greater Miami Jewish Federation is subsidizing this mission in order to give the Miami Jewish community an incredibly affordable opportunity to participate in this amazing mission to Israel.

You probably already know that we, as a community, will mourn on Yom Hazikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day) and celebrate on Yom Ha’atzmaout (Israel’s Independence Day) alongside our Israeli brethren.

What you are likely unaware of is what it feels like to dance the Hora in front of the Western Wall with hundred of people; to stand atop Masada as the sun sets and walk down in the dark with torches lighting the way to an amazing party in the middle of the desert; to have dinner with young IDF soldiers who are alone in Israel without family and hear them speak about why they serve; to learn, first-hand, the amazing story of the Ethiopian immigration to Israel from the people who are learning a new way of life; to watch fireworks light the skies of Jerusalem as the country moves from mourning to celebrating on erev Yom Ha’atzmaut; and to sit among the ruins of ancient history while listening to a celebrated singer perform for you.

You may even know that we are offering a pre-mission to Poland where participants will march, along with over ten-thousand Jews from around the world including survivors, from Auschwitz to Birkenau, to demonstrate to the world that we are still here.

What you might not realize is that marching through the streets of the Old City of Jerusalem with 800 Miami Jews makes a statement to the people of Israel that we are there with them, showing our support, unlike any other action we can take.

Register at www.MIamiMegaMission2012.org.

Be there.

Be in the know.

Safe & Happy Travels!


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