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Olami Professional Circles

Yehudi Presents: Olami Professional Circles

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Olami Professional Circles is a global network of professionals committed to using Jewish teachings and values to realize their potential. After a successful launch this past Fall in NYC, Mentorship Circles is launching this Summer in Miami to enable young adults to gain mentorship opportunities and learn from Jewish teachings and values on what it means to be a successful Jewish professional.

Over four Wednesday night sessions, including an upscale dinner and open bar, young professionals will each be paired in small groups with a passionate and successful Jewish industry executive and mentor. Each week they will engage in a topic about professional success through discussions drawing on Jewish teachings and values. Then, the whole group will hear from a Featured Speaker about the same week’s topic, sharing personal stories with audience interaction.

Professional Circles is intended for Jewish professionals in their 20's & 30's who are looking to build a community that is committed to balancing business and Jewish values.


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