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ISRAEL OUTDOORS PRESENTS: Early Christianity's Jewish Roots 03/16

TUESDAY, MARCH 16 @ 5pm ET / 2pm PT

TOUR | Early Christianity's Jewish Roots

Presented by Gadi Ben-Dov

The Land of Israel is holy to Jews and Christians alike, but few realize just how rooted early Christianity was in Jewish practice. Journey with Israeli guide, Gadi Ben-Dov, to the northwest corner of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee). This was the home to Jesus of Nazareth during his formative years, but it was also a hub of Jewish life as the center of the local fishing industry. Together we'll visit the Christian holy sites of Capernaum (Kfar Nahum) and Magdala (Migdal) where we'll discover the Jewish archeology in this area, and how closely it ties to early Christian sites nearby.



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