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ISRAEL OUTDOORS PRESENTS:Deconstructing the Sabich Sandwich

COOKING | Deconstructing the Sabich Sandwich

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 @ 1pm ET / 10am PT

The origin story of this popular sandwich begins with Iraqi Jews, who came to Israel in the 1940s and 1950s as refugees. On Shabbat, when no cooking is allowed, Iraqi Jews ate a cold meal of precooked fried eggplant, boiled potatoes, and hard-boiled eggs. Those essential building blocks – combined with other Israeli salads, dressings, and spices and stuffed into pita bread – have been transformed into the mighty sabich sandwich. Join chef Harry as he breaks down the secret of a savory and sabich street sandwich. Ingredient list provided if you're planning to cook along!

Presented by Harry Rubenstein



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