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YOM HAZIKARON 2024 at Miami Beach JCC

Resilience and Remembrance: Female Voices After October 7

Wednesday, May 8 - Reception 7 PM, Program 7:30 PM

Yom HaZikaron is a Memorial Day for the fallen soldiers of the wars of Israel and victims of actions of terrorism. Join us for a poignant evening of reflection and empowerment as we commemorate October 7, the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust, and stand in solidarity with the courageous women of Israel. In the face of unimaginable tragedy and adversity, their voices continue to echo with resilience and hope.

Panelists: Ariel Pollock Star and Capt. Dr. Tehilah Meged-Book

Ariel Pollock Star has a decade of expertise in sustainable business strategy and development, with a rich background in the culinary field. Recently, she launched Lehem Zeh, a social venture focusing on food and community needs, while pursuing a doctorate in public health to study the impact of digital communities on mental health.

Capt. Dr. Tehilah Meged-Book is a specialist in internal medicine and geriatrics at Soroka Medical Center and Yerucham Community Clinic. During the Iron Swords War, she served as a battalion physician in the IDF reserves in Gaza and on the Northern front for three months. Tehilah is a mother of three and resides in Yerucham.

Miami Beach JCC, 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach



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