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Miami Beach Residents: Vote YES on Referendum 2

Attention, Miami Beach residents! Your ballots this November will include an item – Referendum 2 – which, if passed, would provide essential funds for the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach and many other cherished arts and culture institutions in the City. A YES vote is a vote in favor of granting our Holocaust Memorial up to $7.15 million from the City of Miami Beach for critical infrastructure needs. It will enable the Memorial to maintain its status as one of the City’s premier attractions, and to continue creating top-tier educational content for all schools statewide. With the recent spike in antisemitism, the Memorial’s work has never been more important. Click here to read more about the Referendum and how to ensure your vote is counted in the election.

MB Referendum

Need to register to vote, sign up for early voting, request an absentee ballot or find your precinct? CLICK HERE


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