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Sharsheret - Breast Cancer Awareness Event

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Lunch the Miami Beach JCC will host an event with Sharsheret on Wednesday,event on October 30th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm - "A Look at Healing through Expressive Arts." Join us as we honor the stories of breast cancer survivors and explore how various forms of art—music, visual, literary, and dance—play a crucial role in healing and enhancing well-being. We will view a documentary film produced by Alina Ko of Art Garden Productions, hear from one of the film's artists, and learn with a music therapist from Miami Cancer Institute.

The program will include screening guidelines and other pertinent information from Sharsheret to support our discussion.

After the Lunch & Learn session, everyone is welcome to stay and enjoy the open play of Canasta and Mahjong.

To RSVP go to:


Mali Schwartz, Breast Cancer Survivor and Sharsheret Ambassador

Alexa Marsellos, Music Therapist, Miami Cancer Institute

Deborah Litwak, Florida Program Coordinator, Sharsheret

Co-sponsored with Sharsheret, a Jewish Breast Cancer Organization, in Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.


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