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Chanukah at Temple Beth Tov Ahavat Shalom

The TBTAS Chanukah Party will be delightful! 1) There is no admission charge. But donations are truly appreciated, and names of donors will be listed in the Chanukah Program. (Donation deadline: Thurs. Dec. 14th) Gold Level: Donation of $100; Silver level: Donation of $50 Bronze level: Donation of $25 2) Chanukah candle-lighting will be done in family groupings. So be sure to bring your family menorah, candles & matches. 3) The Temple Choir will lead us in Chanukah singing. 4) There will be a special presentation of the Chanukah story. 5) Children will be able to compose Chanukah cards for hospital patients. 6) Chanukah baskets, filled with goodies, will be auctioned off. 7) Kiddy bags of goodies will be distributed (including dreidels). 8) There will be a raffle with prizes. 9) Refreshments will be served: Latkes, applesauce, sour cream, sufganiot (donuts), Chanukah cookies, nibble food, hot & cold beverages. Temple Beth Tov Ahavat Shalom is the cozy, conservative synagogue at 6438 SW 8th St. West Miami 33144. Phone for further information: 305-205-3846. “Chag Samay-ach”


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