Posted by life23 on 10/16/2020 @ 10:19 AM
"Can We Talk?" Empowering us and others to Talk Jewishly about Advanced Planning- Apply for Mishkan Miami's Sacred Jewish Conversation Facilitator Training Program
Especially during an uncertain time such as this, many of us at all ages and stages of life have though about not only our values, legacy and end-of-life wishes for ourselves, but we want to engage in this conversation with others- friends, family, and our medical professionals. From experience, we know that engaging others in these conversations can be daunting, but you are not alone.
• Do you think about having this conversation with family members? • Are you interested in learning how to facilitate this conversation with your friends, congregation or book club? • Are you a medical professional, a long-term care facility worker or a legal professional with clients who could benefit from these conversations? • Are you a social worker or case manager working with older adults? • Are you clergy who wants more information and resources for your congregation?
Mishkan Miami will be our second training to become a Sacred Jewish Conversation facilitator. In a few online sessions, you will receive materials and build confidence in engaging others in this important conversation about end-of-life wishes.
Because of public health concerns, we have gone virtual. You will be able to join this group from the comfort of your home!
Click the link below to apply, or call Rabbi Fred Klein, director of Mishkan Miami at 305-562-1235
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