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2021 Jewish Incubator Grants

• A Wider Bridge: Proud & Miami will help counter the alarming rise of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bullying by yielding progressive influencers, better educated about Jews and Israel, willing to take a stand in communities and on campus and modeling diversity.

• Alper JCC J Family Parent Ambassadors will implement grassroots community building opportunities to bring together Jewish families with young children.

• CAJE 4 Words From Our Hearts: A Prayer Exploration for Early Childhood gives our youngest learners, their teachers and their parents, an opportunity to explore four key prayer concepts through theater arts, an expansive and expressive medium.

• Chai Lifeline I-Shine SE Beyond is an after-school program that offers emotional support (one-on-one support), peer support (meeting other children experiencing similar situations) and practical support (help with homework, meals) to families impacted by serious illness.

• Chai Seniors Yad Yosef VeYitzchak (Miami Division) partners with existing food banks to provide large amounts of produce on a weekly basis to shuls in Miami to distribute to their respective communities during this time of pandemic-related, increased food-insecurity.

• Children's Bereavement Center Perinatal & Infant Loss Support Program provides an evidence-based grief support program to those who have had a pregnancy or infant loss. The support groups are therapeutic in nature as participants are invited to share what they are going through and participate in process-oriented activities.

• Congregation Dor Chadash Caring Caravan will assist seniors with grocery shopping and medication delivery and make well checkup phone calls to engage and provide a social outlet.

• Eshel South Florida, the newest Eshel chapter, will offer support to Orthodox LGBTQ+ Jews and their family members and provide information and awareness building for community leaders and educators.

• Friendship Circle of Miami The Life Line Project will provide intensive support services and 24/7 crisis help to families of children with special needs both within the Jewish community and beyond, with the overarching goal of equipping underserved, at-risk families to overcome challenging situations.

• Friendship Circle of Miami Beach and North Dade Lifeskills Program emphasizes capabilities such as self-awareness and care, community-based skills (like going to the grocery store or bank) and age-appropriate social skills. This will develop into more in depth vocational training.

• Israeli Scouts Shevet Barak holds weekly activities, year-round enrichments seminars, sleep-away camp experiences, and community events for Hebrew-speaking children in grades 3-12 in the Greater Miami area, led by a head counselor (Rakaz).

• JCS Yehi Ohr will focus on The Toras Emes fourth and fifth grade students, as JCS clinicians help them develop a letter writing relationship with medically vulnerable and developmentally disabled students of Chai Lifeline and the Friendship Circle.

• JELF Interest-Free Loan Program enhanced marketing and communications efforts will increase awareness for the program among both donors and students across the Jewish community. JELF's mission to provide interest-free, last dollar loans for higher education will be further spread across applicants and donors alike.

• Jewish Documentaries: From Heroes to Sentenced — a Jewish Documentary Film Restored and Colorized will tell the story of the half million Jewish soldiers of the Central Powers in The Great War (1914-1918), through restored colorized footage and expert interviews that address the fate of WWI veterans and their families during the Holocaust.

• Jewish Museum FIU Wellness & Healing brings together young professionals and seniors during and after the coronavirus pandemic for monthly social, education and entertainment programs focused on wellness and healing as it relates to Jewish culture and tradition.

• OneTable Miami Innovation Grant will launch a marketing campaign to reach new hosts and guests across the city and support them as they build a meaningful Shabbat practice.

• Temple Sinai of North Dade JPaL.online is a “gamified” supplementary school curricular program that transforms the learning of basic Jewish knowledge and values into a compelling program for children in grades K-7.

Funding for 2021 grants is provided through Annual Federation/UJA Campaign. Organizations and agencies seeking incubator grants may inquire about next year’s grant cycle by contacting [email protected] or 786-866-8498.

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