Nov 4, 2021
Jewish Day Schools Restart Robotics Program

The bots are back! After pausing programming due to COVID-19, the Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE) Miami Jewish Day School Robotics Program is now operating in a safe and educational way. Teachers from Jewish day schools in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties recently participated in a four-day training program learning best practices on bringing the robotics curriculum to their schools. Robotics introduce students to STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) concepts, while encouraging creativity, problem solving and collaboration. Public health guidelines permitting, CAJE will once again hold its Robotics Festival, where participating students will be able to showcase what they’ve learned throughout the year. The Robotics Program began in 2017 when staff from the Science Center in Federation’s partner city Yerucham traveled to Miami and trained third grade Jewish day school educators on teaching robotics in the classroom. Three and a half years later, more than 800 Miami Jewish day school students have become budding builders, engineers and scientists. CAJE is a Federation subsidiary agency.