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Feb 1, 2024

Celebrating JDAIM’s 15th Anniversary

Twenty-seven percent of Americans have a disability of some kind and Federation's Miami Jewish Abilities Alliance (MJAA) is bringing issues of equal access to the forefront during Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance & Inclusion Month (JDAIM). Each February for the past 15 years, JDAIM has provided a forum for the Jewish community to advocate for people with disabilities and their families and to offer opportunities for them to participate fully in Jewish communal life. This month, a number of local and national JDAIM events, both online and in person, are available to all who wish to join. Click here to review a list compiled by MJAA. Federation is proud to help Miami’s organizations raise awareness, remove barriers and celebrate diversity, both during JDAIM and throughout the year. MJAA also maintains a user-friendly website, miami.jewishabilities.org, with connections to helpful services, support and resources. For further information, contact Nancy Zaretsky, Disability Specialist, at [email protected].

South Florida Legislators in Israel

South Florida Legislators in Israel

Last month, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, Jewish Federation of Broward County, and Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County participated in the first-ever South Florida Legislators Mission to Israel.

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Providing Lifeline Services to Israelis Since 10/7

Providing Lifeline Services to Israelis Since 10/7

Our IEF has been helping Israelis with housing solutions, cash for essentials, transportation, clothing and other critical care; formula and diapers for infants; hygiene products for female soldiers; pastoral care, funerals and shiva/mourning support; safe places to stay; education and day care for evacuated children and more.

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Connecting Israelis Near and Far

Connecting Israelis Near and Far

The Wynwood-Israeli MH, led by three Israeli-American, is the first to not only connect young adults to the land of Israel but also with the people themselves, infusing Miami’s diversity into its hosted events and the surrounding neighborhoods.

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AMIA Bombing 30th Anniversary Commemoration

AMIA Bombing 30th Anniversary Commemoration

Commemorate the 30th anniversary of the AMIA Jewish Community Center bombing in Argentina on Thursday July 25 at 7 p.m. at the Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center (ATJC).

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